knocks one out

December 6, 2007

If its not community or social net based its not cool. Period.

In a world where the power of the collective is becoming increasingly popular TV is still pretty much left behind. OK OK, we all know about YouTube and all its spinoff’s but YouTube is more like a massive media library and you search and drill through content. However when it comes to solid 24 hour streaming blocks of content not much has been done online.

Enters, but with a twist. How would you like to be able to chat live while watching a clip (similar to uStream), how would you like to vote for a piece and thus make it appear less often or make it appear more often depending on the vote.

These are just one of the many features present on Knocka. Users will also be able to record and upload content, which others could then eventually vote onto the streams.

I have registered for a Beta account, but in the meantime you can have a look at a demo showreel on the site that shows content seperated by typical flash fillers ala MTV. Could this become what MTV should have been, the ultimate in shortform entertainment formats? Possibly this is what could make it work, at the end of the day even if a 3 minute piece is horrendously terrible you will keep watching because you know something new is around the corner.

Good lock to Knocka for throwing one of the first punches in this segment, and lets keep an eye on it.